Our sawn timber is sorted according to quality and left in a shaded area for natural drying, reducing its moisture content from 90–100% to 30-40%. After reaching this moisture level, the kiln drying process begins. This process is computer-assisted, achieving a moisture content of 8-12%, after which the timber can be used in the manufacturing of furniture, stairs, countertops, etc.
This grade accepts a higher percentage of sapwood, multiple sound knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece.
Bad knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, proper heart and sunken shell are graded .
Insect holes and rot are not accepted.
Density 700 - 750 kg / m3.
"Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. 1-2 healthy knots, end cracks as wide as the width of the piece and mirrors are accepted.
Calitatea ,,Standard´´este recomandata acelor domenii in care eficienta economica are prioritate. Este ideala pentru confectionarea de scari, usi, elemente lungi, etc.
Se accepta 1-2 noduri sanatoase, crapaturi de capat cat latimea piesei si oglinzile.
Aceasta calitate accepta un procent mai mare de alburn, noduri sanatoase multiple, crapaturi de capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei.
Nodurile vicioase mai mari de 30 mm in diametru, inima propriu zisa si coaja infundata se bonifica .
Nu se accepta gauri de insecte, si putregai.
Densitate 700 - 750 kg / m3.
"Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and smoothed knots are accepted. Density: 700 kg / m3
This grade accepts a higher percentage of sapwood, multiple sound knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece.
Bad knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, proper heart and sunken shell are graded .
Insect holes and rot are not accepted.
Density 700 - 750 kg / m3.
Rustic quality accepts multiple sound knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece.
Spurious knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, proper heart and sunken bark are bonus
Insect holes and rot are not accepted.
Density 720 kg/m3.