Rustic quality accepts multiple healthy knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece. Vicious knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, the actual heart and the clogged bark are rehabilitated. Insect holes and rot are not accepted. Density 720 kg / m3.
Rustic quality accepts multiple healthy knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece. Vicious knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, the actual heart and the clogged bark are rehabilitated. Insect holes and rot are not accepted. Density 720 kg / m3.
Rustic quality accepts multiple healthy knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece. Vicious knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, the actual heart and the clogged bark are rehabilitated. Insect holes and rot are not accepted. Density 720 kg / m3.
Rustic quality accepts multiple healthy knots, end cracks twice the width of the piece. Vicious knots larger than 30 mm in diameter, the actual heart and the clogged bark are rehabilitated. Insect holes and rot are not accepted. Density 720 kg / m3.
Calitatea rustic accepta noduri sanatoase multiple, crapaturi de capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei.
Nodurile vicioase mai mari de 30 mm in diametru, inima propriu zisa si coaja infundata se bonifica
Nu se accepta gauri de insecte, si putregai.
Densitate 720 kg / m3.
Calitatea rustic accepta noduri sanatoase multiple, crapaturi de capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei.
Nodurile vicioase mai mari de 30 mm in diametru, inima propriu zisa si coaja infundata se bonifica
Nu se accepta gauri de insecte, si putregai.
Densitate 720 kg / m3.
Calitatea rustic accepta noduri sanatoase multiple, crapaturi de capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei.
Nodurile vicioase mai mari de 30 mm in diametru, inima propriu zisa si coaja infundata se bonifica
Nu se accepta gauri de insecte, si putregai.
Densitate 720 kg / m3.