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Ash timber

Ash timber
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  1. Ash Timber
    Calitatea ,,Standard´´este recomandata acelor domenii in care eficienta economica are prioritate. Este ideala pentru confectionarea de scari, usi, elemente lungi, etc. Se accepta crapaturi pe capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei si nodurile bonificate . Densitate : 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.7022 m3
  2. Ash Timber
    Calitatea ,,Standard´´este recomandata acelor domenii in care eficienta economica are prioritate. Este ideala pentru confectionarea de scari, usi, elemente lungi, etc. Se accepta crapaturi pe capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei si nodurile bonificate . Densitate : 700 kg / m3
    Qty:1.7851 m3
  3. Ash Timber
    Calitatea ,,Standard´´este recomandata acelor domenii in care eficienta economica are prioritate. Este ideala pentru confectionarea de scari, usi, elemente lungi, etc. Se accepta crapaturi pe capat de doua ori cat latimea piesei si nodurile bonificate . Densitate : 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.4504 m3
  4. ASH timber planks
    Standard quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency is a priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and knots are accepted . Density : 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.6054 m3
  5. Ash Sawn Timber
    "Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and smoothed knots are accepted. Density: 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.363 m3
  6. Ash Sawn Timber
    "Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and smoothed knots are accepted. Density: 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.7441 m3
  7. ASH timber planks
    Standard quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency is a priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and knots are accepted . Density : 700 kg / m3
    Qty:2.715 m3
  8. Ash Sawn Timber
    "Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and smoothed knots are accepted. Density: 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.6186 m3
  9. Ash Sawn Timber
    "Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and smoothed knots are accepted. Density: 700 kg / m3
    Qty:1.4696 m3
  10. Ash Sawn Timber
    "Standard" quality is recommended for those areas where economic efficiency has priority. It is ideal for making stairs, doors, long elements, etc. Cracks on the end twice the width of the piece and smoothed knots are accepted. Density: 700 kg / m3
    Qty:0.7035 m3
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