Abachi is a wood of African origin used in sauna cabins for the construction of banquettes, headrests, backrests and in the production of furniture. Abachi wood has the property of not splintering when broken, thus avoiding the risk of stabbing or even infections.
Abachi is a wood of African origin used in sauna cabins for the construction of banquettes, headrests, backrests and in the production of furniture. Abachi wood has the property of not splintering in case of breakage, thus avoiding the risk of stabbing or even infections.
AMERICAN WALNUT wood has a very beautiful, dark brown colour, in various shades, with a wide white sapwood. It is a flexible wood with a high elasticity.
It is used for furniture, interior decoration, flooring, stairs, etc.
Density 650 kg/m3.
The Select&Better quality is the best quality found in this wood species. The timber has a uniform reddish color, straight grain, no knots or cracks. Density: 450 kg+ / m3
The Select&Better grade is the best quality found in this species of wood.
The timber has a uniform reddish colour, straight grain, no knots or cracks.
Density : 450 kg+ / m3
Calitatea Select&Better este cea mai buna calitate intalnita la aceasta specie de lemn.
Cheresteaua are o culoare uniforma rosiatica, fibra dreapta, nu are noduri sau crapaturi .
Densitate : 450 kg+ / m3
Lemnul de Sapelli este folosit pentru mobila, decoratiuni de interior, parchet, scari etc. Acest lemn are o strălucire mătăsoasă si o culoare rosiatica, fiibra dreapta, nu are noduri sau crapaturi .
Densitate 650 kg / m3.
Abachi este un lemn de origine Africana utilizat in cabinele de sauna la constructia de banchete, tetiere, spatare si in productia de mobilier.
Lemnul de abachi are proprietatea de a nu face aschii in cazul ruperii, astfel fiind evitat riscul inteparii sau chiar a infectiilor.
American Walnut wood has a very beautiful dark brown color in various shades with a broad white sapwood. It is a flexible wood with increased elasticity. It is used for furniture, interior decoration, flooring, stairs, etc. Density 750 kg/m3.
American Walnut wood has a very beautiful dark brown color in various shades with a broad white sapwood. It is a flexible wood with increased elasticity. It is used for furniture, interior decoration, flooring, stairs, etc. Density 750 kg/m3.